Fuji, the first ‘lending aggregator’ in DeFi!

Thread: Interesting New Protocol + Farming(ish) Opportunity .. So, this thread is about Fuji Dao @FujiFinance, which is the first 'lending aggregator' in defi! 1/x Essentially they allow lending and borrowing where deposits + borrows are aggregated through other lenders on the backend, to ensure users get the best possible rates. Yield aggregators and dex […]

今天简单地聊一个很简单的协议 @FujiFinance

今天简单地聊一个很简单的协议 @FujiFinance 最近战争 Curve Wars 看的多,衍生品 Options 研究地多,初看 @FujiFinance ,有点不习惯了😂 因为,它太简单了🙈 不过越简单的东西,生存力就越强,不是嘛! @FujiFinance 是什么? 一句话:借贷聚合器 我觉得可以比较形象地理解为借贷领域的 Yearn @FujiFinance 和 @CRE8RDAO 的 AMA,我们的朋友 @The_ReadingApe 做了的非常棒总结👍 有兴趣的朋友可以查看 👇 作为 DeFi 的基础,借贷其实就那么点事儿! 作为普通用户,我们只希望: 1⃣ 协议靠谱,不能是 rugpull 对吧! 2⃣ 借贷利息最低,而且最好能一直保持最低 3⃣ 别清算我,当然这个比较难,那至少还钱要方便 很简单的诉求,不过好像一直都没能有一个协议完全实现。 但这个简单的 @FujiFinance ,似乎简单地做到了: 1⃣ 这一点是很主观的,👆 AMA 中有关于团队情况的介绍,需要自己做评估; 2⃣ 借款时,@FujiFinance 会自动搜索当前利率最低的借贷平台,并推荐给用户 👇是以 FTM 作为抵押资产,借出 USDC 借款期间各平台利率发生变动,@FujiFinance 会帮助用户做实时调整,保证正在使用的借款利率是最低的 […]

Tweetstorm On Mt Fuji

Are you ready to scale the heights of @FujiFinance? Fuji Climb: @FantomFDN Expedition has just commenced Find out more about the expedition in their AMA with @CRE8RDAO here 👇 Background @DaigaroC 🗻 In the aerospace industry for 9 years 🗻 Switched career in the post-pandemic world 🗻 Did not become a crypto believer until he […]