Ampbassadoors are affiliates in AmpliFi’s own referral program. Initially 5% of the total supply of $AMP is set aside with the goal of onboarding referrers to any AmpliFi campaign. Ampbassadoors earn $0.50 worth of $AMP for every dollar (or USD equivalent) earned by their referees.
On top of earning $AMP Ampbassadoors earn via $AMP matching for 5% of their referees earnings.
For example your referees earn 1000 $AMP & 1000USDC in your first month.
Your cut of 5% of your referees earnings for a single campaign & single month
$0.5 * $2000 = $1000 paid in $AMP
For your pro-rata share of 5% of total $AMP supply for a single campaign & single month
You earn 50 $AMP (5% of 1000) & 50USDC (5% of 1000) paid as $100 worth of $AMP as your 5% from referees.
The reason the USDC is paid as $AMP is because AmpliFi does not take 5% from your referees payment we match 5% of their earning with $AMP.
Note $AMP is used here interchangeably with $veAMP which will earn pro-rata share of 10% of All AmpliFi fees.